You and your children have probably seen punches, screams, fights and the like in movies many times. How people who know karate beat others - but, you may ask, how can acts of aggression teach my child anything good?
First, you need to understand that what you see on TV and in movies (with the possible exception of Karate Kid) is very far from the real world of karate. The fact is that the basis of Okinawa karate is the deliberate rejection of aggression and violence.
Having originated in Okinawa in the 17th century as a means of fighting the conquerors, over the centuries karate has been transformed into the art of education. The beauty of karate training is that it covers not only the physical aspect, but also the mental and emotional levels of personality development.
Compare Okinawa karate with sports both for adults and children. In sports, the priorities are: fierce competition and "victory" at any cost. And it is not surprising that many children in sports develop problems with self-esteem and inappropriate aggression. Not to mention the fact that big sport simply cripples many people.
Now imagine that your child, doing karate, receives valuable life lessons, skills that he will apply throughout his life, lays the foundation of his life. Karate builds confidence and self-esteem in children, and also develops self-discipline, respect, teaches concentration and politeness.
Okinawa karate is perfect for kids who don't excel in team sports. Karate gives them the opportunity to achieve individual success by combining physical and psychological practices.
Many often do not understand this, but it is a fact that Okinawa karate is much safer than most sports schools.